Join a 423 Community

Various 423 Communities meet weekly all over the country, in person and online. 

The groups meet for 2 hours. The first hour is spent in our confessional community time where we share about our journey that week and reflect on the “why” behind our thoughts and behaviors. In this space the group is encouraged to explore what is going on below the surface and gain deeper understanding of where we are in our stories. 

The second hour is a time to help equip one another with tools and resources, working through various curriculums, tools and clinical practices, to encourage deep growth and strength for our journey towards health. 

Regardless of where you find yourself in your story, this is a place where you can go every week and be radically transparent, vulnerable and honest as you wrestle with shame and identity. You will learn what it looks like to be followers of Christ with others who are working towards ending the unhealthy cycles of sexual sin in their lives. You were not meant to live this life alone, you were meant to be inside a community of like-minded believers, running the race together, equipping one another so that the patterns of unhealth and destruction don’t have to be the end of your story. You can do this, and there is hope, but you cannot continue to do this alone.

Join a community today.


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