423 Communities Cycle of Shame
You are not alone
Many people feel isolated because of their struggle with sexual sin or the trauma caused by this addiction. “If others really knew my struggle, they would reject or disbelieve me. If my wife [or girlfriend, husband, boyfriend] knew, she/he would leave me.” With nowhere to turn, those who struggle in secrecy rarely find victory.
The enemy of our soul words to keep us isolated so we believe the lies: “No one will understand. No one is as bad as me. I will never overcome this or get the help I need. I am beyond help. I am worthless.” The Bible calls the devil “a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). He “prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1st Peter 5:8). Sexual immorality, and the devastation it causes, is one of Satan’s oldest and most destructive tools.
· Culture has consistently eroded the traditional role of men and fathers
· 50–70% of Christian boys and men struggle at some level with sexual purity.
· Internet pornography is accessible, affordable, and anonymous.
Together there is hope
423 can make a difference. It is a safe, confidential environment where we allow God’s grace, not guilt and shame, to encourage healing.
“Therefore, confess your sins to one another,
and pray for one another so that you may be healed.”
James 5.16
Other men, women, boys, and girls are achieving sexual purity and overcoming their trauma…you can too!
The elements of change
“People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart”, (1st Samuel 16:7). Our typical method of finding sexual purity is to try harder to change our behavior. However, this ‘white knuckle’ approach does not work. We cannot simply stop ‘acting out.’ Jesus taught, “For out of the heart come evil thoughts” (Matthew 15:19). These thoughts cause a person to act and react in unwholesome ways because behavior is tied to thoughts, and thoughts come directly from the heart. If our heart is set on the gratification of wrong sexual desires, or the pain and trauma caused by sexual sin, our thoughts will conform to our heart’s craving, and we will not live consistently joy-filled lives. We must guard our hearts!
“Guard you heart with all diligence,
for from it flow the springs of life.”
Proverbs 4.23
As we journey toward sexual purity and healing from trauma, we must be honest about our heart longings, asking God to renew us from the inside out. If our heart’s desire is to please and honor God, then our thought patterns will steadily move in that direction. As our thought patterns change, so will our behavior. We must be patient. It will take time, but we can change.
423 is all about the journey toward heart change within a community of trustworthy friends in recovery and support.
The cycle of shame
Shame: Many people confuse guilt and shame. Guilt is about what we do. Shame is about who we are. Shame is our internal assessment that we are bad, flawed, or worthless and leads to emotional pain that cannot be ignored.
Pain: It is difficult for a person to identify pain in their lives. Often it looks like loneliness, inadequacy, panic, hopelessness, and particularly anger. For many of us, addictive sexual activity becomes our only relief from emotional pain. For those traumatized by their loved ones’ sexually addictive behaviors, we feel lost and unsure where to turn for help.
Wrong Sexual Pleasure: Coping Unfortunately, wrong sexual behavior is an effective medicating device. It works! Our pain goes away… but only for a short time. Our body releases naturally occurring drugs called dopamine, similar in makeup to morphine, though even more powerful. Our pain relief is short lived and replaced with deep toxic shame and destructive thoughts like, “I’m defective. I’ll never change. I’m worthless!”
The cycle begins again.
The downward spiral
The cycle of shame causes a need for greater levels of pain medication as we build up a tolerance to dopamine. As we engage in stronger ‘doses’ of sexual sin, our addiction, shame, and pain continue to grow. In our pursuit of a ‘better sexual high,’ we may engage in riskier sexual pleasures. Our sense of separation from God widens and we are tempted to fully surrender to the power of sin. We know we are on the path of destruction, yet we become adept at denying the truth even to ourselves.
Breaking the cycle of shame
There is a way to stop this downward spiral, but it cannot be done in secret. Healing is only possible God’s way. We must humble ourselves by confessing our sin to the Lord and to other people in recovery according to James 5:16. Sexual addiction and its impact is a family systems problem. The power Jesus Christ, coupled with the support of a reliable and trustworthy recovery community can help us break the cycle of shame.
There is hope!