Expectancy vs. Expectation


I was having my quiet time this morning and felt like God spoke a truth to me that I wanted to share. Recently, I have been feeling a bit "off." I’m not sure how to explain that better. I think it is just the stress of the unknown. Unknowns about my career, finances, marriage, etc. I’m not sure what direction God wants me to move in these situations. My usual way of dealing with this is to either check out and become passive or start doing something half-cocked, like a chicken with my head cut off trying to make something happen. Neither way typically leads to a good outcome.

I read a passage from My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers this morning and a quotation from that struck me. He wrote, "Keep your life so consistently in touch with God that His surprising power can break through at any point. Live in a constant state of EXPECTANCY, and leave room for God to come in as He decides."

I have not been living with expectancy. I usually live my life in a state of expectation. There is a quotation that has been very powerful in my life. "Expectation is a preconceived resentment." In other words, when I place an expectation on God to make my career, finances, relationships go the way I think they should and it doesn't go that way, I come to resent God. I think, “Why aren't you hearing my prayers?”

On the other hand, if I live in expectancy (that God will be active and powerful in my career, finances and relationships) I am able to recognize His hand. It is not always the way that I think it should happen but it is ALWAYS in my best interest. So many times I have not recognized Him working in my life because I was resentful that it didn’t happen the way I thought it should.

So... my prayer for myself and for all of us in 423 Communities is:

  • That we will look to Him every day with EXPECTANCY that He will work both great and small miracles in the area of sexual sin.  

  • That we will be able to see progress on His terms and not on our own terms.  

  • That we will be obedient to the little things that He asks us to do on a daily basis. Not because if we are obedient He will then "come through," but when we are obedient it is for OUR good. (How arrogant for me to think that He will move only when I am "good.")

Do not live in a state of expectation (preconceived resentment). He is ALWAYS moving for our good, though we may not always recognize it. Live in a state of expectancy and see what great things God has for you.

My challenge for myself (and you if you should choose to accept it) is to commit to praying these words every morning this week:

"God, I believe that You love me and You want what is best for me. Please allow me to see specifically today where You are moving for my good. I choose today to live in a state of expectancy. Thank You for loving me and wanting what is best for me."

It would be awesome and encouraging for any that choose to accept the challenge to post what you have seen God do in your life because of this prayer.

Contributor: Lonnie S.


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