Meet our New Executive Director on April 9!
Dear 423 Community,
Finally! After a challenging season of isolation and Zoom fatigue, our monthly, 423 Leadership meetings are back in-person starting next Saturday, April 9th. Location and time details are below.
The author of Hebrews was adamant… “Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have the habit of doing. Rather, let us encourage each other…” (Hebrews 10.25). We did the best we could during COVID-19, but that’s over now. It’s time, maybe past time, to gather together as we did pre-March 2020.
I am asking every 423 Leader to clear his or her schedule and be at the next meeting… in person, unless you live beyond a reasonable driving distance, you are ill, or you cannot find child-care. In those cases only, please take advantage of the live streaming link below and attend virtually. We understand there are legitimate reasons to miss leaders’ meetings (vacation, work, etc.), but I am personally asking you to make EVERY attempt to fix your calendar to put a priority on this monthly leadership development opportunity. If we do not take leadership meetings seriously, our organization will fizzle out. We are only as strong as our leaders and leaders are only as strong as we are collectively strong. All members, family, friends, and interested parties may attend, but all 423 leaders are expected to attend.
When you became a leader in 423, you agreed to the following:
“All leaders, both co-leaders and support leaders, form our 423 Leadership Team and are required to attend 423 Community leadership development meetings. Leadership Team meetings occur regionally and nationally with video conferencing and are scheduled no more than once a month,” and…
“You attend regularly scheduled 423 Leaders Team meetings and maintain excellent and healthy communication with the appointed leadership of the 423 Communities recovery program.”
Please do not consider this a legalistic requirement for leaders. Rather, receive this word for exactly what it is… an encouragement to fulfill the calling of Jesus which is NEVER accomplished in isolation. We need each other! Our actual practice of community is critical for the ongoing health and success of our mission “to shine the light of the gospel of sexual sobriety in every dark corner of the globe.”
We have over one hundred leaders and yet only about twenty persons were in attendance at the March Zoom leaders meeting during which I introduced the new Executive Director. I was seriously disheartened by the low turnout and knew God was asking me to call ALL of us to a higher level of involvement. The time is NOW to take the gospel of sexual restoration to hurting families… all over the world. Are you with me?
We MUST develop as leaders and monthly leadership meetings is how we do it at 423.
On April 9th, your new Executive Director, Joel Warneking and I, will be co-hosting and promise to do our best to bring you an agenda that will strengthen, inspire, and gladden your hearts.
I will see you at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 9th.
At 423 Communities International, our doors are open for business. We are still offering recovery options for those struggling with temptations and trauma around pornography, sexual fantasies, and addictive behaviors. Want more information? Click here: