3 Intimacy Robbers In Marriage

By Traci Wright

There are no perfect marriages, but there are healthy and unhealthy marriages. Mistakes are made in both, but a healthy marriage keeps on growing.   

Intimacy in any relationship requires the ability to be a connected person and the intentionality to connect deeply with another.  

To build a satisfying and intimate relationship, both sexual and nonsexual, we have to build in healthy patterns using tools, practices, and purpose. Then we need to keep practicing, evaluating or “taking the temperature” of the relationship, and making adjustments along the way.

This works out pretty well when we have two people who are willing to work at it; but even with the best intentions, a variety of things can come in and try to rob our intimacy. 

Here are 3 robbers that can steal intimacy from our marriage:

  1. Poor Communication

  2. Unresolved Conflict

  3. Change Starts With You

For a full explanation of the three robbers visit https://puredesire.org/blog/3-intimacy-robbers-in-marriage-2/ to read the full blog post.

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