423 Sisters

Again and again, I've heard it said from across the table, "I've never told anyone this."  

Sometimes it's been decades, sometimes months, that the woman across from me is holding the heartbreaking secrets of how her partner has acted out sexually, and the betrayal she's experienced. She shares and finishes with, "I feel so much better now."  

To think that those details were bottled up in her heart and mind and that the enemy was winning in the isolation and the lies being whispered is overwhelmingly heartbreaking. In a world that is so sexualized that someone experiencing the effects of broken sexuality, cannot find even a single, trustworthy, soul to tell her story to, is not the way it is supposed to be.  

423 Sisters exists so that this doesn’t have to be YOUR story

423 Sisters provides support and emotional connection for women whose significant male relationships struggle with sexual addiction. We offer a safe community for women to find encouragement after the devastation and trauma of broken trust.  

In 423 Sisters, we weekly acknowledge that we are unable to control or change the addicts’ behavior. By taking inventory of the pain, and our responses to trauma, and setting goals that lead towards healing, health, and the restoration of ourselves, we are able to maintain healthy boundaries and thrive no matter what decisions are being made around us.  

We acknowledge that each sister’s story is different, some may be moving towards reconciliation of the relationship, while others may not. What we all have in common is the understanding of the pain that broken trust has caused in our lives. The goal of the group is not only to heal from the betrayal trauma but also to restore our identity in Christ as the whole person we were created to be.  

With that understanding, we in a community heal together, trusting God in the process and encouraging one another to live in the hope we have in Christ.  

Above all else, guard your heart,

    for everything you do flows from it.

Proverbs 4:23 

This fall we are looking forward to a new season of 423 Sisters. We will be hosting four, eight week groups seasonally (Fall Sept 22nd, Winter (Jan 23’), Spring (March 23’) and Summer (May 23’). If you, or someone you know, is walking through betrayal trauma, please don’t hesitate to sign up for a group and begin the healing process in a loving community of women with similar stories. For we are hurt in relationship, and we are healed in relationship. Choose today to start the process of being known in your pain, and trust that the Lord will walk with you as you enter into community with other women who won’t abandon you, regardless of what your story holds.  

Sign-up for Sisters with the link here-https://www.423communities.org/contact-1


Rachel Warneking – Director 423 Women




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